"This opportunity is already expired. However, you can always try to contact the employer for verification."
Opportunity ID:
Type :
Full time 
Position Level :
Skilled / Non-Executive 
Industry :
Arts/Media/Communications - Arts/Creative Design 
Job Specialization :
Designing - Web/ Graphics 
City :
Petaling Jaya 
Description :
1. Work with product specialists, usability specialists and interaction designers to develop and iterate creative user interface designs based on research and usability test results.
2. Produce final user interface designs, adhering to the style and guidance of internal standards.
3. Deliver design specification document
Requirements :
1. Bachelor Degree in Graphic / Visual Arts or equivalent.
2. At least 1 year’s working experience in software application user interface design, which experienced in at least one of these areas: web, mobile/tablet app, windows app.
3. Proficient in using Adobe Creative Suite, at least Photoshop and Illustrator.
4. Must have strong attention to detail and accuracy.
5. Good design sense in iconography, typography, colour, space, line, size, shape, texture for application user interface design will be an advantage.
6. Must be a patient person who is open enough to listen and accept criticism positively.
7. Nimble and ready to work in a fast-paced environment in a small team.
8. Portfolio of previous work done is required, if called for an interview.
Lowest Qualification :
Bachelor Degree 
Closing Date :
12/1/15, 12:00 AM 


Phone :
Address :
Level 12, Tower A, Plaza 33, Jalan Kemajuan, Section 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
City :
Petaling Jaya
State :
Country :


Fusionex is a multi award-winning leading international IT Group, listed on the London Stock Exchange. Fusionex operates worldwide with highly skilled professionals across Asia, Europe, and the USA. Focussing on delivering creative and innovative IT-based solutions for organizations across numerous verticals, Fusionex specializes in Analytics and Big Data solutions. Over the years, Fusionex have garnered accreditations from various international bodies, rankings from partners and international organizations, further strengthening Fusionex’s footprint as a world class solutions provider in the IT industry. Fusionex’s motto is Experience Excellence, where we remain true to our aim of becoming a world-renowned IT brand of quality and distinction. The company is committed to create value and deliver the best experience to enterprises across the globe through its innovative offerings of highly sophisticated yet user-friendly software and solutions.


Medical, Dental, Transport Allowance, Insurance, Performance Bonus