Posted by Kejuruteraan H & S Sdn Bhd on 6/17/13, 11:53 AM
The Company has known as KEJURUTERAAN H & S SDN BHD was incorporated on 25 November 1993 as a Sdn Bhd company.The office and the factory is currently located in Puchong Selangor, Malaysia.
KEJURUTERAAN H & S SDN BHD are specialist in the provision of CNC Lathe processing entity, i.e. moulding casting, fabrication of all kinds of mechanical products such as automotive parts and also repair and modification of automotive parts in accordance to the specification and requirement of the clients.
The company has more than 30 years of experience in this trade when it was first founded in 1976 under the name of HUP SENG ENGINEERING WORKS as a company by Mr Tham Kuai Chooi, The Managing Director.
Having equipped with vast experience and also sophisticated and full range of CNC Lathe machineries, ie. ranging from prossess of wire cutting, stamping, drilling, grinding, milling and up to the finishing process.
1. We are paying good benefit and remuneration to suitable candidate
2. We follow government gazetted holidays, leave, socso, EPF and profit sharing